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Stress Management and Relief




Benefits from the Release of Endorphins through Acupuncture


In conventional medicine therapy,patients experiencing depression are treated with different classes of anti-depressants.While these antidepressants have the potential to alleviate many possible symptoms there are dangers associated with their long-term use. These dangers could include: water retention, dependence due to increased dosage, facial paralysis and weight gain. Peter Breggin, M.D., a Harvard trained psychiatrist, points out that drug therapy, while suppressing the symptoms of depression and other mental disorders, can also make a person chemically toxic, which will actually deepen the problem.

Professor Pierre Huard of the medical faculty of Paris, France and Dr.Ming Wong of the Medical Faculty of Rennes have found through the research that acupuncture is equivalent to the effect of antidepressants in cases of depression and its action is swift and lasting. More importantly, this treatment is without side effects.


Acupuncture is effective because it appears to stimulate the release of endorphins and enkephalins. These chemicals which are produced naturally by the body act as both painkillers and relaxants. People with weakened immune systems over time have the potential to become depressed, a condition referred to as “immune stress”. Acupuncture can strengthen and simultaneously desensitize, normalize and regulate the immune system. It does this by stimulating the points which relate to autoimmunity and all the meridians (energy channels) in the body.This helps to rebuild the immune system releasing antibodies and improve T-cell count.


People in the midst of depression often feel helpless and desperate to try anything that will provide them relief. Acupuncture offers a safe and drug-free option, as well as long term benefits. count on not just relieving the symptoms but getting to the root of the underlying cause in most cases.



Other mental illness



Mood Disorders

Bipolar disorders

Depressive disorders

Anxiety disorder

Panic disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder


· simple phobias · agoraphobia · social phobia Primary psychiatric disorder · depression: · psychosis:mania,schizophrenia or borderline · organic mental syndrome · adjustment disorder with anxious mood: · factitious disorder: malingering, lying, antisocial,drug abuse



Personality Disorders


Cluster A: paranoid, schizoid,and schizotypal personality disorders:


Projection: prejudice,excessive fault-finding, paranoia


Fantasy:deal with loneliness with elaborate and extensive


Paranoia:feel of being persecuted or treated unfairly by others



Cluster B: Histrionic,narcissistic,antisocial and borderline personality disorders








Acting out



Cluster c: avoidant, dependent,compulsive and passive-agressive personality disorders




Passive aggression






Organic Mental Syndromes · Disorders with generalized or global cognitive impairment







Disorders with selective areas of cognitive impairment Amnestic syndrome Organic hallucinosis · Disorders resembling other major disorders Organic mood syndrome Organic delusional syndrome Organic anxiety syndrome · Organic personality syndrome · Substance-induced organic mental syndrome · Organic mental syndrome not otherwise specified


Somatoform Disorders · Somatization disorder · Conversion disorder · Somatoform pain disorder · Hypochondriasis · Body dysmorphic disorder



Eating Disorder · Anorexia Nervosa · Bulimia Nervosa (ravenous over · Rumination(purposive explusion of previously ingested food, followed by rechewing) · Pica (eating of nonfood products,i.g.dirt,clay, paper or plaster)



Child Psychiatry


Bonding and attachment


Childhood Psychoses


Autistic disorder


Childhood schizophrenia


Symbiotic psychosis


Childhood Depression


Sleep Disorders










Thumb Sucking


School Phobia


Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Learning Disorder


Child Abuse


Problems of Adolescents

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